ER Hub Annual Service Review

We’re delighted to welcome you to the ER Hub Annual Service Review.

Here you can review the key metrics and insight from the last 12 months, as well as learn more about the work of the ER Hub team through the eyes of the people who deliver and manage the service.
We hope you find it informative and interesting!

For further information please get in touch with:

Yvonne Wilcock, AdviserPlus HR Director Welcome

A note from our Chief Executive

Welcome to the first annual service review from AdviserPlus.

I’m delighted to see the strength of the working relationship that has developed between the AdviserPlus and Currys teams after such a short period of time.

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CSR - Diversity in the community Reflection

Reflections from your Client Management and Operational Teams

Working with Currys over the last 5 months has been a real pleasure. During this short time, I’ve been impressed with your continued appetite to work collaboratively with us, and I’ve enjoyed being a part of so many additional activities that we’re working to get over the line.

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Year in numbers Highlights

ER Hub Highlights

A snapshot of the year in numbers, a roadmap of our collaborative achievements and some moments of truth…

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A look back at a year of service engagement

High levels of engagement across the ER Hub service, resulting in a lot of value driven outcomes…

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Case actions

ER Hub in action - Case actions

Focus on manager independence since ERHub launch as well as topic trends and cross client comparisons…

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Case durations

ER Hub in action – Case durations

Focus on case duration, by business area as well as a cross client comparison…

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Benefits of empower

The benefits of empower and enabling success

A look back at pre-empower objectives and how the service has contributed to achieving them…

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Today and tomorrow

Vision for our future

Partnership plans for the next 12 months, what’s next for us…

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