The Absenteeism Report 2018: Free Download
Absenteeism is said to cost the UK economy £18 billion a year. That fact alone requires it to be taken seriously. Yet, there’s a lot to get your head around. After all, this is a broad umbrella term that covers a raft of serious and complicated issues that businesses have to try to get on top of.
Today, we’re launching The Absenteeism Report 2018: Causes, consequences and cures, a comprehensive look at the key issues facing HR right now.
The report – available as a free download – builds on the results of an exclusive survey of HR professionals conducted by AdviserPlus and covers:
- The role of the workplace environment and what real life businesses have done to improve this in a bid to cut their absenteeism rate
- The three key goals for back to work interviews and the role that these play in effective absence management
- The way in which holidays and flexitime should be managed – and the associated issues of leaveism and presenteeism
- Whether or not workplace health strategies and tools such as the Bradford Factor should be considered as missing pieces of the puzzle
- The role of technology in monitoring and managing absence
- Absence trends and the lessons we can learn from them
The report gauges the current state of play in HR and assesses what needs to change if businesses are to be able to manage absence more effectively in the future.
Download your copy now and get in touch with us if you want help to improve the way you do HR in your organisation.