empower® revolutionises HR with data-driven insights, ensuring real-time, strategic use of employee relations case insights.

empower® HR analytics creates visibility across your organisation of all aspects of people management, helping you to understand your employee relations challenges. Our HR analytics solution combines key case information from the empower® technology set with your people and organisational structure data. The output is a series of user-friendly HR metric dashboards, which visualise key measures, snapshots and people trends that paint a picture of your people across your organisation.


Revolutionise data-driven HR insights

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Partnering with AdviserPlus has enabled us to proactively transform ways of working and create a more agile, business-driven ER function. 

Employee Relations Manager, Wickes


Human Resource dashboard reporting

We host a HR analytics platform and analytics tools that creates visibility across your organisation of all aspects of people management, presented in a series of engaging and accessible dashboard visualisations.

You can view high level case metrics, break down activity into trends, events and outcomes and even drill down to line-by-line detail in employee relations cases.

With the dashboards refreshed as frequently as daily, you have key HR analytics tools and people metrics at your fingertips to inform your decisions and HR strategy.


HR software employee relations software dashboards

People analytics

Our team of in-house people data insight analysts regularly review your human resources analytics to identify themes, trends and stories.

Self-service dashboards are complemented by quarterly service review packs that lift up key messages and identify opportunities for HR intervention.

When you subscribe to the AdviserPlus empower® solution, you’re investing in our wealth of HR insights and expertise. We’ll uncover the points of most interest and collaborate with you to develop tailored interventions that address your specific business needs.

HR data analysis tool

HR benchmarking

Benchmark activity within your business, comparing key people metrics by measures such as location and organisational structure.

Compare areas of above and below average activity, benchmarking metrics such as propensity for matters to arise by headcount, case and stage duration and case events such as suspensions, investigations, outcomes and appeals.

Tap into our team of HR insight analysts, who will also undertake (with your permission) external benchmarking, comparing your organisation’s activity profile with similar organisations and sharing insightful comparators.

benchmarking HR activity

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The empower® solution presents a unique opportunity to form a new perspective on equality, diversity and inclusion information across your organisation.

No longer limit the assessment of this data to your people profile, actually find out how your people are being treated, and how they are treating others, through informal and formal process.

Our analytics capability allows you to overlay your employees’ characteristics across key metrics like investigation, hearing and appeal outcomes by the employee subject of the case and the manager making the decisions.


Equality and diversity analytics

Unlock substantial hidden savings for your organisation

Find out how much you could be saving by digitally transforming your employee relations (ER) processes.

Take the assessment

Frequently asked questions

The empower® solution sits over the top of a regular feed of people data from your people platform. This is typically shared with us securely by overnight feed. The richer the data you share with us, in particular in respect of such properties as organisational structure and location, the more insightful your management information and analytics will be.


Yes. Whilst empower® is supported by a default suite of comprehensive dashboard visualisations, if you have specific requirements that extend beyond our best practice set of ER dashboards, bespoke dashboard visualisations may be designed.


Yes. Whilst empower® features an inclusive dashboard visualisation solution, we recognise that our clients may have requirements to take the rich data we capture and aggregate it with people data of their own. Accordingly, we can securely capture some or all of the data with our clients.


To find out more about empower® analytics, please use the section below to get in touch with one of our team.


Get in touch

Or speak to an HR expert on: 0844 327 2293