Do any of these statements ring true for your organisation?

  • Your managers’ resources comprise little more than access to the policies and letters.
  • Your technology does not support your managers running with processes by themselves.
  • COVID-19 has enforced remote management and your managers are ill-equipped.
  • The lack of line manager ownership of people matters means that opportunities to address matters early and informally are being missed, and your HR team is being drawn into matters that do not merit their attention and inflating your HR cost to serve.

Our suite of solutions help to enhance manager capability, including the use of technology to deliver intuitive and interactive guided journeys, giving access to ER experts that coach managers to the right decision and developing leadership skills with specialist manager training including how to be confident in managing mental health issues.

Use technology to deliver intuitive and interactive guided journeys

empower® is a comprehensive employee relations case management solution, enabling line managers through guided journeys that embeds guidance and outlines actions required at each stage, empowering line managers to make confident and informed decisions. Our innovative solution has been developed to ensure that line managers have the resources and support necessary to manage ER cases, leading to a more streamlined and efficient process for all involved by fostering a culture of ownership and confidence.


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Manager using laptop

Access ER experts that coach managers to the right decision

Our team of over 200 HR professionals ensures that the human aspect of human resources remains intact when line manager confidence is lacking or matters are complex. Our dedicated employee relations case advisers offer a comprehensive solution, fully immersed in your organisation’s policies, processes, procedures, and culture. They provide proactive support that helps line managers develop the skills and confidence needed to effectively manage people matters.

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end-to-end case support

Develop leadership skills with specialist manager training

Empowering managers with the right technology is key, but they also require interpersonal skills to maintain a positive employee experience. Our award-winning range of specialist training courses for managers delve into the intricacies of effective leadership, team dynamics, and the relationship between a leader’s behaviour and the team’s overall motivation, wellbeing, and performance to influence driving meaningful change.

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how we help - employee experience

Read some of our case studies

See how we've helped other organisations to empower their managers

The AdviserPlus solution is about more than HR processes. It’s about coaching and up-skilling line managers to improve their capability, confidence and effectiveness and take responsibility for people management.

Business Services Director, United Utilities

We’ll help you deliver real results

We help our clients to achieve tangible business improvements. Here are just a few…


Cost reduction from outsourcing to our HR advice line


Saving over 12 months from reducing long-term sickness


Of managers would recommend our HR advice line service


Of users advocate our employee relations advice and guidance

Get in touch

Or speak to an HR expert on: 0844 327 2293