Taking the complexity out of HR case management with empower logo

Our employee relations technology, which digitally simplifies your people processes, lies at the heart of empower®. Supported by our expert HR team and in-depth people analytics, we deliver next-level employee relations transformation, empower managers and deliver a significant ROI, whilst freeing up HR to be more agile and business driven.

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How we do it

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HR case management

Digital simplicity empowers managers to self-serve employee relations processes

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HR experts

Expert HR support when you need it

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People analytics

Actionable people analytics and insights

Virgin Atlantic logo “The technology is so helpful and makes it easier for managers to manage their teams. I have never had support like this before, it’s great!”

Manager, Virgin Atlantic

empower® meets the challenges of HR leaders today. Click on each statement below to see how:

empower® creates huge efficiencies for your business in terms of ROI, cost and resource. Click here to find out more.

Our range of employee relations solutions enhances manager capability by using HR technology to provide intuitive and interactive guided journeys. This gives access to employee relations experts who coach managers to make the right decisions and develop leadership skills. We also offer specialist manager training, including how to confidently manage mental health issues. Click here to learn more.

empower® people analytics creates visibility across your organisation of all aspects of people management, helping you to understand your employee relations and HR challenges. Click here to find out more.

empower® enables your line managers to take greater ownership of employee relations cases by taking line managers on guided journeys, explaining what they need to do at each stage of the process, ensuring action is taken at the right time. The result is a reduced volume of engagements with HR and increased efficiency of those that do, pushing HR’s contribution up the value curve to more complex, higher risk cases and strategic matters. Find out more here.

empower® ensures fairness, mitigates risk and drives compliance through built for purpose technology which guides managers through HR case process and prompts them to take the right action at the right time. Full visibility up the line, and to HR, allows monitoring of cases as they progress. The solution is configured to be completely aligned with your policies, processes and procedures and comprehensive audit trails provide complete assurance and evidence robustness of approach. Read the brochure to find out more.

empower® consumes your sickness data, initiates a new case automatically and notifies the relevant line manager to start to manage the sickness absence or attendance process. Once the case is initiated, progress is monitored, notifications fired and inaction escalated. Because everything is accurately captured in our case management system, you’ll have real-time visibility of what’s going on, be able to forecast future trends and inform the development of your employee absence management strategy. Click here to find out more.

Want to see how empower® works in practice?

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  • Reduce HR cost to serve by empowering managers to handle people matters, ensuring HR get involved only where they add the greatest value.
  • Enhance the value of the HR function by delivering an efficient service, which will free up time to focus on strategy.


HR strategy software


  • Have real-time oversight of cases as they progress, both up the line and in your HR function.
  • Understand trends, identify opportunities and benchmark performance through insightful management information and dashboarding.
HR management software


  • Steer managers through guided processes, driving them to take the right action taken at the right time.
  • Achieve complete compliance with your policies, processes, culture and commerciality and be able to evidence this through comprehensive audit trails.


HR system

Frequently asked questions

empower® is completely flexible and is designed to support any employee relations process. The most common processes harnessed in the empower® technology solution by our clients are as follows:

  • Performance and Behaviour: Disciplinary, Capability, Grievance and Bullying & Harassment.
  • Sickness Absence: Short-Term Sickness, Long-Term Sickness, Attendance Management, Occupational Health and Reasonable Adjustments.
  • Working Arrangements: Flexible Working and Family-Friendly (e.g. Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, Parental and Shared Parental Leave).

However, there is no limit to the range of policies and processes that may be supported by empower®.

Find out how we’re the ER experts you can rely on, here.

That’s no problem. We recognise that each organisation has a different starting point in terms of line manager capability and confidence, so we’ve purposefully designed empower® to accommodate this.

You are in complete control of which processes are exposed to line managers to progress and even which parts of those processes. For example, you may decide to launch with managers being able to progress their own sickness and flexible working cases, but not conduct or grievance cases, which remain under the control of HR. Over time, however, as manager capability develops and confidence grows, we can reconfigure the processes to expose more to managers, incrementally realising greater benefits for you.

empower® can deliver for your material returns on your investment.

  1. Direct cost savings:
  • Reduced cost to serve HR through manager ownership and more effective adviser case management.
  • HRBP time freed up for more strategic deliverables by drawing on their expertise only when required.
  • Reduction in quantity of ETs and settlements, reducing cost of representation and pay-outs.
  • Reduction in licensing costs of current case management solutions.
  1. Indirect cost savings:
  • Reduction in ER process cycle times e.g. length of suspensions / investigations.
  • Reduction in sickness absence rate improved employee wellbeing.
  • Improved employee performance and productivity.

Read more about the benefits of outsourcing, here.

There are many benefits that empower® has over a helpdesk system or HCM module. We’ve outlined the main points in this document.

Get in touch

Or speak to an HR expert on: 0844 327 2293