Compliant, consistent and contemporary policies essential for a modern workforce

Your policies set the tone for your organisation’s culture and it’s crucial to assess whether they are appropriate for the demands of the modern workforce. Today, employees are more invested than ever in a company’s culture and values, and how they are brought to life in the workplace. If your policies and processes are outdated or have not been reviewed recently, you risk falling behind, losing top talent and being unable to adapt to the rapidly evolving business landscape.

Our policy services quickly identify where you may need new or updated policies, ensuring your policy set uses contemporary language, is up-to-date with the latest legislation and with a best practice overlay. We provide policy writing, updating and harmonising services that ensure your policies are aligned with your organisation’s strategy and fit for a diverse workforce.


How we can help

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Policy support

Our HR experts assess your policies in line with your company values and strategic goals, performing a gap analysis and reviewing everything through the lens of latest legislation and contemporary language.

Where polices are missing, we offer bundled packages including inclusive policies like Menopause, Religious Observance and IVF and Infertility. We can also create policies tailored to your business ensuring that they cater to your unique needs. With our help, you can avoid non-compliant policies that open your business up to the potential increased risk of Employment Tribunals and employee disengagement, while enhancing your organisation’s culture.

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Processes and guides

Once policies have been developed, it’s imperative to ensure they are applied effectively in practice. To achieve this, we create comprehensive manager guides that translate policy intent into practical steps. These guides serve as a roadmap for managers, outlining their responsibilities in enforcing policy compliance. By ensuring that managers are clear about their roles, they can act with confidence, making appropriate decisions in the moment.

We also establish clear process maps to ensure policies are implemented consistently and efficiently. By mapping out the steps involved, it becomes easier to identify bottlenecks, reduce inefficiencies, and allocate resources effectively, ensuring your policies are enforced fairly, consistently and by the right people.

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Innovative digitalisation

Our innovative empower® solution offers a seamless and efficient way for HR professionals, line managers, and employees to access the necessary tools for managing employee relations. Through a combination of advanced technology, insightful analytics, and expert support, empower® enables managers to make informed decisions with greater confidence, while reducing risks and driving efficiencies.

By empowering line managers with the tools and resources needed to address employee relations matters independently, empower® fosters stronger relationships between managers and their direct reports. This helps free HR teams from the burden of handling day-to-day tactical delivery, enabling them to focus on developing more strategic initiatives that help build an inclusive and resilient workforce.

It was such a comprehensive process; the benchmarking service was invaluable in ensuring we could offer the most competitive packages and attract the very best talent for this exciting new venture; and having all HR policies written up in two weeks was an incredible help.


Damian Pearce, University of Warwick

Get in touch

Or speak to an HR expert on: 0844 327 2293