Empower your managers with our training courses

Managers are the key to effective employee relations. They’re uniquely placed to affect not just retention, but engagement and productivity, and are fundamental to a business’s HR transformation journey.

AdviserPlus can give your managers the confidence to deal with ER issues more effectively with our manager capability training.

We’ve helped our clients by providing managers with the capacity, capability and commitment to do more than just their day job; helping them to spot signs of poor performance and well-being issues as early as possible – before they become a problem.

We offer a range of training courses and all of them are currently being delivered in either a live, virtual, or interactive format, in addition to onsite face-to-face training where appropriate. All of our training is delivered by experienced subject matter experts.

Network Rail logo“Thanks for providing us with the overview we asked for and compelling encouragement to look after ourselves and the others around us.”

Liz Zukowski, HR Director, Network Rail

Compassionate Leadership & Compassionate Teams

Our Compassionate Leadership and Compassionate Teams workshops will help leaders understand the concept of managing with compassion.

What’s covered?

  • Explore the relationship between challenge and support and what it means to lead with integrity
  • What people look for and admire in their leaders, with credibility being a central foundation
  • The impact of mild to moderate rudeness on bandwidth
  • Model the way
  • The Chimp Paradox
  • Meaningful challenge.
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Team at work

Manager Essentials

Our Manager Essentials course will provide you with the skills and techniques needed to drive performance in your team, teach you how to have difficult conversations, build your confidence and improve your core management behaviour and knowledge.

What’s covered?

  • Setting the landscape for the team – and the importance of the right climate
  • The impact of our communication style on people around us
  • The relationship between manager behaviour and employee engagement
  • The techniques you should apply when having challenging or developmental conversations
  • Using real life scenarios, practically apply learnings to achieve the right outcome for the team member and the organisation
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our solutions - advice and support - policy and document services - stage 1

Managing Performance

Successful management is ultimately about achieving goals and getting things done well through others. Therefore, how managers drive and enhance performance is key to their success and the success of the business.

This course has been designed to help anyone in a position of managing people to understand the characteristics of leaders and teams and how these impact performance.

What’s covered?

  • Recognise the relationship between the behaviour of the leader and the motivation and performance of the team
  • Understand the importance of managing ourselves and communication
  • Recognise the factors that determine individual performance levels
  • Understand the relationship between change and performance
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supporting manager

Managing Absence

In the battle to reduce absenteeism and its costs, you need a capable, confident front line. Too often, the fear of saying or doing the wrong thing prevents managers effectively communicating with their staff and addressing absence issues before they escalate.

This course has been designed to enable managers to understand the obligations and responsibilities of leaders in managing absence, and will equip them with the confidence and skills to manage absence effectively.

What’s covered?

  • Recognise what factors affect people’s attendance
  • The role of the line manager in managing absence
  • Understanding the parameters of the Equality Act 2010 and what this means
  • Build skills and confidence when dealing with sensitive conversations
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Building Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is vital for leaders. It’s the ability to recognise, understand and manage your own emotions and understand and influence the emotions of others. A high degree of emotional intelligence in leaders supports better team working and fewer team issues, but more than that, it improves relationships in all spheres of our lives.

This course has been designed to help delegates understand the importance of emotional intelligence in work relationships and strategies on how to increase it.

What’s covered?

  • Recognise the five fundamental aspects of emotional intelligence
  • Increase the ability to recognise, understand and manage your own emotions
  • Understand and influence the emotions of others
  • Levels of empathy and their use in the workplace
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our solutions - learning and development - training

Managing Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity without inclusion damages a company’s performance. When we understand our own filter on the world, we learn to ask the right questions and challenge our own assumptions – and perhaps most importantly, educate ourselves.

This course will teach you about the importance of your role in developing and maintaining a culture and climate that promotes diversity and reduces the risk of issues arising from discrimination.

What’s covered?

  • Understand the necessity of diversity to any team or organisation
  • Recognise the boundaries in each team on what is acceptable
  • Understand what action you can take to promote inclusion
  • Build on your knowledge of the implications of the Equality Act 2010, and your individual responsibility
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Diversity framework - original image

Post Office Case Study“It’s now very clear that when we proactively manage absences, and intervene early, there is a significant reduction in absence rates – and the benefit to our business cannot be understated. We’ve seen an increase in employee engagement and satisfaction, absence rates have fallen and we’ve saved a lot of money.”

Employee Relations and Policy Director, Post Office

Get in touch

Or speak to an HR expert on: 0844 327 2293