
The role of leaders in shaping happy, productive and mentally healthy workplaces

Discover why happiness and productivity hinges on managers

In a research paper presented to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Wellbeing Economics at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, 1,793 BT workers across 11 call centres were proven to make more calls – and also improve their selling rates – when their mood was happier.

For those who work in learning, development and HR, the proof is welcome – but hardly a surprise. The real question is: what will we do about it?

The research adds further weight to the idea that organisations need to re-think the role of leaders and managers: how they’re selected, how their performance is measured, and – crucially – how they’re trained.

Join Patricia Ashworth, Director of Learning Solutions at AdviserPlus, for this 15-minute webinar to learn more about the three most important leadership factors that impact employees’ mood, and hence productivity, including:

1. Clarity – in relation to changing workplaces
2. Self-management and the importance of self control
3. Empathy and compassion
4. Four steps to improving leadership empathy in the workplace

If you have any questions following the webinar, please get in touch.

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