HR empowerment: Preparing for post-election business change

Nicole Currie

Written By Nicole Currie

29th May 2024

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With the general election date announced as July 4th, 2024, and local elections giving a strong indication of the potential for a Labour win, significant employment law reform could be just around the corner. Labour has pledged to make significant changes under its ‘Make Work Pay’ plan, so organisations need to urgently prepare for the potential impact.

Find out more about these proposed changes in a latest Empowering People Group webinar, ‘How to prepare for substantial employment law change‘, here.

AdviserPlus Labours laws webinar on-demand

Empower HR and managers to drive successful business change

As HR leaders, we understand the critical role we play in shaping a thriving workplace that is agile and responsive to change. But large-scale reform of employee rights will bring more work for our already overburdened HR teams. Keeping pace with employee needs, managing a dynamic, disparate workforce, and ensuring compliance with new legislation can be overwhelming.

To stay ahead in what feels like a period of constant flux, employee relations transformation is a crucial first step in building the agile, business-driven HR teams needed to navigate the changes ahead.

One of the fundamental changes that employee relations digital transformation can deliver is to empower line managers to self-serve employee relations, which benefits both the manager, the employee and the HR teams that would usually be hand-holding employee relations matters.

When managers are empowered to handle people matters themselves, with the right case management technology, guided journeys and support, this can deliver business-changing benefits, such as:

  • empower® sickness absenceReduced employment tribunals: Improved processes and better employee experiences decrease the number of issues escalating to tribunals and reduce tribunal claims.
  • Reduced sickness absence rates: Proactive management supports more people to return to work.
  • Greater efficiency, reducing the admin burden on HR: HR can spend more time on complex cases and strategic priorities.

Managers are not equipped to manage complex employee relations matters

Effective digital transformation is a vital component of a thriving HR department – but employee relations technology is an underinvested area, according to this research: Read researchThe findings reveal a concerning lack of readiness among many managers when it comes to handling complex people matters.

AdviserPlus employee relations research paper front coverThe survey found more than 20% of respondents perceive managers as either “very incapable” or “fairly incapable” in various employee relations categories. Notably, “grievances and/or bullying” received the lowest rating.

The findings also highlight that leaders acknowledge the importance of employee relations functions but are not investing adequately to keep pace with change. This is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently.

Significant gaps in manager capabilities, especially in complex areas, may become even more evident if Labour’s proposed reform changes employee unfair dismissal rights.

To address these gaps and prepare for potential increases in unfair dismissal claims under a Labour government, organisations should prioritise investing in employee relations transformation now. This involves enhancing employee relations processes and building a culture that equips managers with the necessary resources and confidence to build strong team connections, ensuring consistency and trust in people management.

HR case management software: Your strategic digital transformation partner for empowering managers

Technology that streamlines employee relations processes and enables managers to self-service, with access to guidance ‘in the moment’, promotes a culture of compassion and continuous learning within line manager cohorts.

HR case management software specifically designed to equip managers with the right tools empowers them to address people matters proactively with minimal HR intervention, which helps to build closer, more emotional connections between managers and their direct reports.

Our award-winning empower® employee relations case management system, combined with effective training and HR consultancy and advisory services, bridges this gap by empowering managers to self-serve people issues in several ways:

  • Knowledge base and policy management: Easy access to company policies, procedures, and FAQs empowers managers to confidently address common employee concerns and do the right thing at the right time.
  • Workflow automation: Streamlined workflows for tasks like disciplinary actions guide managers through the process step-by-step, reducing errors and ensuring adherence to company policies.
  • Data and analytics: Insightful analytics enabling HR to identify trends and investigate the root cause of issues impacting employee performance, absenteeism, and grievances help HR spot potential issues early and take proactive measures to address them.

employee relations analyticsempower® is designed to manage the complexity of employee relations matters. By empowering managers to self-serve people issues, HR’s time can be freed up to focus on strategic initiatives and provide more in-depth support for complex employee relations cases. This creates a win-win situation for both managers and the HR department.


How market leading case management software can future-proof your workplace

empower® plays a vital role in future-proofing your organisation by:

  • Providing the flexibility to adapt to changing market demands.
  • Automating essential tasks to boost productivity.
  • Simplifying compliance management to mitigate risks.

This allows you to not only navigate challenges but also cultivate a positive working environment that attracts and retains top talent.

By embracing the power of empower®, you can achieve business transformation with a future of efficiency, resilience, and long-term strategic success.

HR case management software has the power to enhance efficiency and mitigate business risk

Ready to unlock the potential of digital transformation in your HR department? Investing in the right HR software solution dedicated to supporting the management of complex people matters is the first step. Do your research, identify your specific needs, and choose a software partner that can support your unique journey.

With the right tools and a strategic vision, you can transform your HR function into a powerful driver of success for your entire organisation.

Schedule a FREE consultation with our HR experts

Lets connect to explore how market leading HR software dedicated to employee relations case management can transform your business strategy. In this personalised consultation, we’ll discuss:

  • Addressing common employee relations management challenges: Tackle issues like high sickness absence rates and increasing employee tribunal claims.
  • Employee relations transformation success stories: Discover real-world examples of organisations transforming employee relations processes to achieve their strategic goals.
  • Building a robust business case: Learn how we can help you demonstrate the ROI of investing in market-leading employee relations software.

P.S if you want to see our powerful employee relations case management software in action, book a complimentary demo here and receive a coffee on us.

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