Pat Ashworth named in HR Most Influential 2021 rankings
We’re thrilled to announce that Pat Ashworth, Director of AdviserPlus Learning Solutions, has made this year’s HR Most Influential ranking by HR Magazine.
Now in its 15th year, HR Most Influential, recognises the HR practitioners and thinkers who go above and beyond the day job to advance the HR profession and share best practice with the wider HR community.
Pat was ranked 16th on the list of HR Most Influential practitioners 2021 at an exclusive event held at St Pauls’ Cathedral. Pat and her team work tirelessly at all times, especially over the course of the pandemic, to train managers and senior leadership teams in mental health awareness and building resilience so that they are better able to support their teams.
Speaking after the event, Pat said: “I am very humbled by this recognition and feel very honoured to be in the company of so many esteemed professionals who I very much admire.
“What made it extra special is that nomination to the list is from fellow peers. It really was a wonderful night, in the most iconic setting of St Paul’s Cathedral.”
Yvonne Wilcock, Managing Director of AdviserPlus added: “I am so proud of Pat and everything that she does for our business, and for the hugely positive impact that she has on everyone she works with. It’s amazing that her achievements have been recognised externally, and I know I speak for many AdviserPlus colleagues when I say that I feel very privileged to work with her.”
Everyone on the shortlist is nominated by their peers, with ranking completed by HR magazine and Hult Ashridge Executive Education.
Reflecting the seismic change the industry, and the UK has undergone over the past two years, for 2021 HR magazine decided to cast the net wider and ask a wider range of individuals from across the public, private and third sectors to nominate their top HR practitioners and thinkers – and in doing so, created the most diverse and inclusive list in the event’s history.