HR Transformation: why line manager capability is not enough
Perhaps more than any other factor, a successful HR transformation programme depends on the actions of your line managers.

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There’s an adage that ‘people don’t leave jobs; they leave managers’. And it’s true. Right across your organisation, line managers deliver your employees’ experience.
Ultimately, they define what kind of employer you are.
Because of this, managers are the key to effective employee relations. They’re uniquely placed to affect not just retention, but engagement and productivity. And their ability and willingness to
follow your procedures profoundly influence HR. If you focus on capability alone, you’ll miss other aspects that line managers need just as much – and offer your support in a way that doesn’t really make sense for the way people manage in the real world.
In this short guide we’ll look at what else line managers need if your HR transformation journey is going to deliver the value you want.
We’ll cover topics including:
- HR Transformation done right
- the importance of the 3 C’s
- the risks to your business if your managers aren’t confident
- culture change with a confident manager
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