Can HR really lead business transformation?
We’ve all heard the buzzwords. HR transformation. Mass globalisation. Robotics and AI. The agile HR leader. But what does it all actually mean? Are they over-used terms with no real meaning for most HR leaders?
HR’s role in business transformation
With this change how do we – as HR leaders – adapt and enable the business transformation that our stakeholders demand – and importantly can we ever really lead that transformation?
Yes, we can. And the Group HR Director of Aldermore Bank, Rob Divall, is proof in point. In a recent web discussion Rob talked about his own journey through transformation and discussed the importance of 3 key areas:
- Creating a customer-led culture
- Supporting & equipping your managers to deliver change, and
- Measuring outcomes
You can watch the full web session here to hear about Rob’s journey and his advice:
What tools do you need to amplify your impact?
For AdviserPlus, we see this translating into 3 key areas:
Data – Having access to the right data and people analytics drives performance. But it’s also about understanding the customer, culture and behaviours. And that data is key to transformation and performance improvement. Without an understanding of what’s going on in our business, how can we adapt, change and drive the transformation our Boards demand?
Technology – This is massive. And whilst many businesses are talking about AI, robotics and predicting the future – and it is definitely becoming more important – we must not lose sight of technology that we already use and are familiar with. And for HR leaders this means providing ER case management technology platforms that our colleagues find and need in their day-to-day working life. So, for HR, that’s about managing cases, providing policies and documentation in an easy to access way and in language they understand, and providing a way of coaching colleagues when (as a HR leader) you can’t always be sat by their side.
“For front line managers, it was about giving them something quite direct and helpful, and importantly giving them confidence to act when a HR manager isn’t sat next to you.”
People – But perhaps before we even get to addressing technology and data, there are our people. Investing in the right people and their development of course, but building a working environment that enables colleagues to seek and seize opportunities, receive and provide support, and who feel well-equipped to manage change. That can often require training and coaching, as well as the right HR advice. But it also relies on the right tools and systems.
And, so we’re back to data and technology. Data that shows managers and leaders what’s happening in the business, and technology that makes life easier.
Data, technology and people – the 3 key areas we believe drive the opportunity for business success.