Transform people policies to drive business success

People policies are a crucial reflection organisational culture and values, making them essential tools for shaping employee perception. However, these policies can quickly become outdated and misaligned with the evolving company culture and the needs of the modern workforce. To emphasise the importance of regular policy reviews, we surveyed 100 HR professionals about how well their people policies and procedures align with their business. The results are eye-opening.

HR policies for a modern workforce

In spite of recent press attention and successful tribunal cases on effectively managing menopause in the workplace, over 20% of organisations lack a policy supporting this crucial aspect of employee well-being. Also, approximately one-fifth of organisations’ policy sets lack other essential HR policies to support inclusive and equitable working environments.

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Enhance organisational governance with fit-for-purpose people policies

Less than half of those surveyed say their employee relations policy sets are completely fit for purpose. Inadequate HR policies risk businesses lagging behind in meeting legal and cultural requirements that could impact employee experiences and increase business risk. Regularly reviewing policy sets to ensure they remain fit for purpose is vital.

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Manager capability holds back HR policy evolution

69% of people agreed that limitations in manager capability are hindering the development of employee relations policies. This is concerning when managers play such a vital role in translating policies into practice. Enhancing manager capability to effectively embed HR policies should be a priority in order to avoid inconsistencies and misinterpretation that could lead to employee disengagement and risk.

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The vital role of ongoing people policy review

Less than two-thirds of organisations regularly review HR policies, highlighting a potential weakness in their governance. Regular policy assessments are crucial for aligning people policies with evolving standards and societal needs, preventing outdated policies creating a compliance risk and impacting employee experiences. Regular scheduled reviews allow for improvements in response to changing dynamics, technology and trends.

Empower your managers
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AdviserPlus offers comprehensive employee relations policy consultation services to ensure businesses stay ahead of the curve. empower® from AdviserPlus also enables line managers to confidently self-serve people matters through simple guided journeys, transforming manager capability. Book a discovery call to find out more.

To find out more about how AdviserPlus can help you better support your people through fit-for-purpose policies, get in touch.

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Or speak to an HR expert on: 0844 327 2293